With the limited time available to scout around for local food at Kuching town, I only managed to enjoy Kolo Mee & Sarawak Laksa.. =p

At 12.30pm, most shops that sells Kolo Mee seems to have sold out their supply.
Found this shop selling Kolo Mee in of the kopitiams along Jalan Padungan (road behind Jalan Abell).
My first Kolo Mee in Meow-Land @ RM 2.6o per bowl.
I find it quite similar to Hakka Mee except that this style has more fried onion's smell.
Ok, so Kuching is in Malaysia and Malaysians don't have to worry about the supply of food at any given time of the day.. Well, I was wrong. At 5.30pm, it was quite challenging to find a place where they sell a variety of food. There are a few shops that sells chicken / pork rice..but I am not in the mood to have that as my early dinner..In the end, settled for a Koay Teow Soup (which I don't bother to put up a picture here =p) coz I was STARVING!
After that, while walking around the Sarawak Riverfront, bought "Ramlee" Burgers for dinner/supper. That will last me till next morning before I satisfy my tastebud with the much awaited Sarawak Laksa.

The tour guide that drives me to Sarawak Cultural Village recommended me to try the Sarawak Laksa at Chong Choon Cafe. I was advised to be here before 11am, else no more Sarawak Laksa!!

The stall on the left! =)
Being a bit kiasu, I made sure I arrived at the stall by 9.30am for BREAKFAST! =)
Sarawak Laksa for breakfast.. quite yummy!
Can be compared to having Hokkien Mee / Penang Prawn Mee in the mornings..hehehehe
This bowl cost me RM 4/ bowl.
This bowl of Sarawak Laksa cost me RM 5/bowl.
Same stall, same place.
Difference? The size of the prawns @_@
Sambal with lime to accompany Sarawak Laksa... makes me salivating again as I reminisce. LOL!

The drinks at Chong Choon cafe came unsweetened. Sugar in a container (as per picture above) is available at each table. You add the sugar to your own drink, suiting your own taste buds.

Fried carrot cake at Chong Choon Cafe - I'll pass this one in my next trip =p
Fried Mee with bits of beef, Malay style. Something different - more sweet soya sauce taste.
Nothing to shout yummy about.
There are other stalls at Chong Choon Cafe - Porridge, Claypot Yee Mee & alaso a stall selling a variety of toast bread. I would say it's a good place to have breakfast if you stay around Abell Road/ Padungan Road =P
It's hot and I am thristy! Time for some cooling down session!!
Found this stall nearby Gambir Street - sells Chendol & Ice Kacang.
I asked for Ice Kacang.. but I was given Chendol? =p
Nevertheless, a welcoming drink while you're out walking under the hot sun.
I would definitely be back for more Sarawak Laksa and will look forward for more Sarawak "yums yums" next trip!
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