Clumsy Lil Piggy - That's me.. Let me tell you what happened earlier today..
I have just undressed myself and getting ready to take my shower…
As I enter the happened too fast I can’t grasp on anything to keep my balance..
One second, I was standing upright, putting one foot and the other stepping onto the bathroom floor..the next second I was on the floor!
GAWD!!! The noise when I fell sounds like a SLAB OF RAW MEAT (pork, in this case) being thrown onto the wet floor!
My whole left side of my body was in pain!
I can only thank heavens that I didn't knock my head on the toilet bowl and passed out! ( I imagined being found nude by my housemate - sooooo not funny!)
There were tears in my eyes but I was giggling to myself at the same time as I raise myself up and check for bruises.
If my housemate (residing in the bedroom next to mine) asked me what had happened at that time, I think I will start laughing out loud! Luckily she didn’t say a word (probably thinking I dropped all the bottles of shampoo and shower cream by accident).
I kinda guess the reason why I got into this situation :-
I was always thinking in my mind – No.. I don't wanna fall in the bathroom..please don't fall..please don't fall..
And YEAH… That was what just happened to me a while ago!!!